Friday, 28 September 2012

Hot Air Balloon

What can one create with recycled straws, tape, candles and a ginormous plastic bag? A hot air balloon of course! Once again, the class begins to work and construct a structure that is made solely of ordinary materials at home. This time, it is required that we make a hot air balloon rise 5 cm for 20 seconds (or 0.20s). Was it really possible?

Our Basic Idea

The idea behind our hot air balloon was to make sure that no heat escaped from the balloon except from the hole at the bottom the base (which was purposely cut there). We hoped that if there was a lot of heat trapped in the inside the balloon would rise for sure. We used the top part of the structure from Egg Lander attempt 2 and carried out our plan. 


10 seconds after lighting the candles, it was apparent that our hot air balloon was not going to work. For one, the bag was beginning to melt! We did not even think that maybe the bag would be too close (and small) and the flames from the candle would have a drastically negative effect on the structure. Also, we used a lot of tape and cardboard paper. This added unnecessary weight and this was also another factor as to why the balloon did not work. 

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