Friday, 28 September 2012

Egg Lander, attempt 2

So, everyone deserves second chances right? It was round 2 for our egg landers to transport the egg to the bottom of a two storey fall safely. Were the results positive?


Our second attempt at the egg lander mission was a great success! Our idea was to place the egg in between an hour glass shaped structure. This ensured three very important things: security of the egg, when the contraption lands, it will fall on either side and most importantly, no straws were touching the egg directly. In my first egg lander, the egg was loose and came off the structure just before hitting the ground. I wanted to make sure this did not happen and so this time the egg was 100% secure. Next, in the previous egg lander, the structure dropped in the exact opposite direction from what we wanted. Thus, the idea behind the hour glass is to make sure it can land on either side safely. Finally, after the major emphasis on “egg should not have direct contact with straws” (which by the way was true for my last lander as well)  we once again decided to not allow the egg to touch the straws. Furthermore, we attached 3 extra straws to edge of the self-called “top” of the egg lander because this would slow down the speed of the lander as it dropped.

In the end, the structure fell swiftly to the ground (while making impressive helicopter-like rotations) and all was well.    

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